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The subconscious makes up the largest part of our mind, 90 to 95%. Only 5 to 10% consists of our consciousness, our rational instance.
Imagine that you want to change an undesirable behavior with your will (consciousness) alone. This is extremely difficult because the subconscious is much larger and therefore much more powerful. For people who, for example, stop smoking or lose weight with the help of their consciousness, there is a high probability that the subconscious will take over in a crisis situation and the old patterns stored in the subconscious will resurface. So, this person starts smoking again or gains weight again. Your feelings are always stronger than your mind. Unresolved, unneutralized emotions in your subconscious represent a constant threat to your physical, mental and emotional well-being. As long as the problem in the subconscious is not solved, the symptom or the risk of a relapse or symptom shift will exist.
The foundation of your consciousness
This is the area of feelings, images and emotions. It is like the base of an iceberg or the storage of all the experiences we have collected during our lives, events, what we have learned, the way we interact with our environment. In the waking state, the critical factor prevents our thoughts from changing deep-seated beliefs. You can imagine it like a bouncer. It only lets through thoughts that match the stored imprints, even if they are negative and hold us back.
"We cannot solve a problem with the same thinking we used when we created it."
Albert Einstein
Your software that controls everything
Beliefs are like the building blocks of your thinking - they form your convictions about who you are and what you can do and how the world is. They become our truth and have nothing to do with logic. They arise through repetition or strong emotion . They influence your perception, feelings and behavior in a profound way, often without you noticing. Certain beliefs are not good for us. These can manifest themselves in many different ways in the outside world. By understanding them and influencing them positively, you can take your life to a whole new level and develop your full potential.
Hidden beliefs manifest themselves externally
I am not enough!
Negative self-image, toxic relationships, addictive behavior, narcissism, lack of self-confidence, tension, lack of self-esteem, fake self-confidence, burnout, migraines, anxiety, perfectionism, fear of audiences, eating disorders
I am not sure!
Lack of concentration, memory performance, ADHD, work-related problems, nerves, panic, phobias, procrastination, compulsions, nervousness, sleep disorders, nail biting, stuttering, eating disorders, obesity, limited mobility.
I am not worth it!
Financial difficulties, scarcity thinking, self-sabotage, self-harm, aggression, excessive jealousy, few friendships, fear of commitment, fear of success, fear of failure, depression, burnout, migraines, poor mobility, hearing, eyesight, fear of audiences
An everyday natural state
Hypnosis is a natural state between being awake and sleeping. You are on the verge of falling asleep, but you are aware of everything around you. In a hypnotic trance you are in a deep, relaxed and highly concentrated state. Being in a trance means that you are mentally focused on the content and at the same time mentally relaxed. You experience this state every day after getting up and before going to sleep, when reading a good book, listening to music with concentration, or when we watch a film and fully immerse ourselves in the story. In hypnosis you are in a state of greater focus, with critical, analytical thinking being less involved.