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Writer's picturePetra Lee

What happens during an RTT Hypnosis Session?

Updated: Mar 24, 2023

RTT stands for Rapid Transformational Therapy. I support children and adults with psychological stress and with physical symptoms. This includes poor self-image, AD(H)S, weight problems, bullying, as well as eating disorders and much more. I also help people who feel they cannot achieve their goals, professionally or privately and those who would like to change their lives but somehow find themselves in the way and do not know why.

Unfortunately, even as adults we often repeat long past hurtful scenarios from our childhood over and over again until they eventually make us sick or simply block the way for new things over and over again. It's as if a computer always gets hung up again and again with when we use a certain program. This is not a conscious thing, it has to do with our subconscious and what lies hidden there. So RTT helps us to find the failing program. correct the error and instal a new one.

In the beginning of the session I collect information from your about your current situation, your past how long you have faced a problem and so on.

I see my role first as a detective who finds out the background of the problem.

Once we have found enough evidence my job changes to that of a dentist. Then I am like a dentist who has discovered the aching tooth and removes it all together. The wounds from the past can only heal by uncovering them, looking at them and understanding them so that they can then be doctored and heal in peace.

Once we have removed the error it is time for the coding in of a new program on your hard disk or subconscious mind. I turn form being a dentist to becoming a coder who codes in a new useful and empowering program into your subconscious mind, One that we have worked out together in the beginning when I ask you about how your life would look without the problem.

We dissolve self-sabotaging thought patterns and direct your inner dialogue towards the achievability of your goals, self-esteem, acceptance, recognizing your worth, self-confidence in your abilities and the knowledge that anything is possible for you.

At the end my clients receive an audio recording from me after the RTT session, which they listen to daily for at least 21 days. This reminds them daily of their new ME and fills their mind with their future ME. Olympic athletes repeat the scenario of the competition in their mind many times and see themselves winning the medal. We adopt this technique of visualisation in hypnosis with the recording, We do exactly the same as great, successful athletes. We put the focus on our future desired state.

My task during hypnosis is to show you a new perspective of your life story and to give a new meaning to what has happened. Guilt, shame, self-criticism, self-rejection can feel like heavy chains holding us captive. I help you break free from these and realize how great you are and how much potential you actually have when you learn to communicate with your mind properly.


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